Interviewing in the time of Covid-19
We will hold interviews beginning in November 2020 and continuing through January 2021. All interviews will be conducted virtually, as recommended by the American Academy of Neurology. We are committed to being as flexible as possible during this unprecedented interview season. We understand that there may be internet or other technical issues outside of your control. We promise that we can adapt to your circumstances and conduct your interview using a different video conference system or by telephone if needed.
Information session and Resident meet-and-greet
On the Monday or Wednesday prior to your interview day we will hold an information session during which you will learn about our program and our current residents. This is a chance to interact with our chair, Frances Jensen, program director, Raymond Price, associate program directors, Geoff Aguirre, Laura Stein, and Kelley Humbert, and our program coordinators, Vanna Hing and Cristian Nieves. We will spend about 75 minutes describing our health system and department, the preliminary year and residency, diversity and inclusion, and career development. Following a break there will be another 75 minutes for you to interact with our residents and the other applicants that week.
Interview day
Each of our interview sessions is about 4 hours. We have morning sessions beginning at 9:30 AM ET and ending at 1:35 PM ET, and mid-day sessions beginning at 11:45 AM ET and ending at 3:45 PM ET. During your interview session, you will attend our noon educational conference, have time set aside to meet more of our residents, and interview with the program leadership. You will meet with our program director, Raymond Price, and two of our associate program directors, Geoffrey Aguirre and Laura Stein. Depending on the day, you will also meet either Kelley Humbert, the other associate program director, or Amy Pruitt, our clerkship director and vice chair of education.
Optional Mentor Meetings
Based on your background and interests, your interview experience may also include meetings with other members of the neurology department, as well as Penn faculty from across the University.
Interviewers - Progam leadership
Raymond S. Price, MD
Associate Professor of Neurology, Program Director, Neurology ResidencyClinical Interests: General neurology, neuromuscular
Research Interests: Medical education
Faculty Profile
Geoffrey K. Aguirre, MD, PhD
Associate Professor of Neurology, Associate Program Director, Neurology ResidencyClinical Interests: Cognitive neurology
Research Interests: Translational vision science, functional MRI
Faculty Profile
Lab website
Kelley Anne Humbert, MD
Assistant Professor of Neurology, Associate Program Director, Neurology ResidencyClinical Interests: Vascular and Global neurology
Research Interests: Health care disparities and global neurology
Laura Stein, MD
Assistant Professor of Neurology, Associate Program Director, Neurology ResidencyClinical Interests: Vascular
Research Interests: Quality improvement, medical education
Faculty Profile
Amy A. Pruitt, MD
Professor of Neurology, Neurology Clerkship Director, Director of General Neurology Division, Vice Chair of EducationClinical Interests: General neurology, multiple sclerosis, neuro-infectious disease, neuro-oncology
Research Interests: Medical education
Faculty Profile